Successful businesses all have a comprehensive roadmap for the future.
This map, or plan, encompasses the following elements:


Do we have the right people doing the right things, operating as a team,
in the right culture of accountability?


What is the business' vision, what do they do and why?


What is the work, and how do we do it within our strategy?


What's our current score,
and how do we know if we are winning and how do we improve?

And, of course, the output of a healthy company – profits, which come from a focused, interconnected approach to all of the above.

This work is much more than strategy - it's both a micro and macro approach to business operations. Most small and mid-size businesses don't have the team aligned to map out and own this work or the resources to bring employees along on the journey. That's why you need a guide. Just as you would not attempt an expert climb up an unknown mountain, you need someone directing and supporting you for the entire trek. This work is technical and requires a commitment, and although Dan keeps it as simple as possible, it's not always easy.

After leadership coaching, facilitating workshops, and delving into the mechanics of your business, Dan Coleman delivers an operating system customized for you. Whether you need to re-invigorate your business plan or start from scratch, Dan keeps you accountable and on track and provides an outside, expert perspective based on years of experience working with over 80+ companies. In terms of results, your operating system will be clear, understandable, and ready to be integrated across all facets of your organization.