Visual Learning: A Leadership Skill You Can’t Ignore

With dwindling attention spans, it can be easy for your employees, exec team, or board members to zone out when getting served wordy slides or long monologues. That's where the power of visuals comes into play. Research shows that a staggering 65% of the population are visual learners, meaning they need to see information to truly retain it.

Graphic about how much we learn through visuals and texts

But visuals aren't just essential for learning – they're also vital for effective communication. Our brains can process visuals a whopping 60,000 times faster than text, making image-based communication remarkably valuable in the workplace too.

And the benefits don't stop there. Studies reveal that people retain a mere 20% of what they read and only 10% of what they hear. But when information is presented visually? That retention rate skyrockets to an impressive 80%.

So, how can you incorporate more visuals in your work? Let's explore some practical applications:

Bring Your Vision to Life: Instead of a dry, text-heavy document, create a captivating video or movie to share your company's 3-year vision with employees and stakeholders.

Embody Your Core Values: Reinforce your organization's core values with impactful videos and eye-catching posters, ensuring they're front and center for everyone to see and embrace.

Data Visualization: Transform complex data into easily digestible pie charts, graphs, and infographics, making it easier for your team to grasp key insights and make informed decisions.

Elevate Performance Reviews: Ditch the boring spreadsheets and utilize visually appealing talent assessment tools and graphs to provide constructive feedback and track employee growth.

Streamline Processes: Enhance your standard operating procedures (SOPs) with instructional videos and visuals, making it easier for employees to understand and follow complex workflows.

All of this to say (or show!) that visuals are more than just decoration – – they're a powerful communication tool that can elevate your organization's effectiveness, efficiency, and engagement.

If you want to know more feel free to reach out anytime. 

Dan Coleman.


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